Cheltenham School - PEA & Protected Species Surveys, Biodiversity Net Gain, Dormouse EPS Licence, Low Impact Bat Licence, CEMP, LEMP
W ild Service was commissioned by Kier Construction Ltd to undertake an ecological appraisal, hedgerow survey and protected species surveys on land proposed for a new school in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Protected species surveys were undertaken for badgers, dormice, bats, reptiles, and hedgehogs. Bat activity surveys revealed high levels of bat activity on the site and a small common pipistrelle bat roost in a barn and some trees with limited roosting features. The barn was therefore carefully demolished under Elizabeth’s supervision and under her Bat Low impact Class Licence. Dormouse surveys revealed a dormouse population to be present in the hedgerow network and therefore a dormouse mitigation strategy was designed and submitted as part of the dormouse EPS licence to Natural England. Phased hedgerow removal and a native planting scheme was devised as part of the dormouse mitigation, which is being undertaken under an EPS licence for dormice. Wild Service have worked in collaboration with Charlton Abbots, a local environmental services company, to deliver the practical aspects of mitigation. A Construction Ecological Management Plan (CEMP) was produced which included a bat sensitive lighting plan and installation of bird/bat boxes, log piles and reptile hibernacula. Wild Service produced a Landscape and Ecological Management plan in collaboration with Pegasus Landscape Architects to ensure that the project achieved positive Biodiversity Net Gain and that sufficient habitat was retained for reptiles, dormice and badgers with new on and off-site natural habitats (native hedgerows, native woodland, wildflower meadow, wet grassland and traditional orchards) included in the scheme. Elizabeth has also recently delivered Biodiversity Net Gain and Building with Nature training to the Kier team associated with this project.