Hasfield Court, River Severn Floodplain – Habitat Restoration Plan
W ild Service were appointed by Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (GWT) to produce a Habitat Restoration Plan (HRP) for Hasfield Court Estate. GWT and Hasfield Court Estate are working together to restore semi-natural habitats within the River Severn floodplain at Ashleworth Ham, Gloucestershire. A walkover survey of the 500ha site was undertaken with colleagues from GWT to review and update the UKHabs information gathered by GWT and volunteers about the habitats present and the restoration plans for the area. The habitat management and creation principles aim to compliment the Gloucestershire Nature Recovery Network (NRN) opportunity areas in this location in order to facilitate connectivity between priority habitats (floodplains, low land wood pasture, traditional orchards, species-rich grassland, lowland mixed deciduous woodland) and other ecologically valuable habitats (native hedgerows, other broadleaved woodland and ponds) in the area. The resulting Habitat Restoration Plan bridges several strategic objectives and project for GWT, including that of Severn Solutions for Nature’s Recovery, Eelscapes, Gloucestershire Treescapes and Severn Wildbelt.