Ecological Surveys & Management Plan for Weston Lakes, Somerset
W ild Service has been advising on ecological matters relating to the creation of waterbodies at Weston Lakes, Somerset, for wildlife, leisure, holiday accommodation, landscape planting and associated infrastructure. Wild Service undertook an initial Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, which confirmed part of the Site encompassed a designated Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI), and the site provided suitable habitat for several protected species. Wild Service Ecologists then undertook bat activity surveys, reptile, water vole and breeding bird surveys to confirm presence/absence of each species, and to ascertain use of the site by wildlife to inform proposed development plans. In addition, Wild Service worked in conjunction with Neil McLean of Midland Arboricultural and Woodland Services Ltd to produce a Biodiversity and Arboricultural Methods Statement to identify the impacts of the proposals to wildlife and trees and provide mitigation and enhancement measures to ensure that the development would provide net biodiversity gain and become an attractive site for wildlife and people.